
Here you will find all the information you need about participating in GeoMod2014.

The venue

GeoMod2014 will take place at the GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam, Germany

General information


Most conference contributions will be posters, though a few oral presentations may be selected by the session conveners. When submitting your abstract, please indicate your preference. Indicate also the session of your preference.

We are calling for 3-4 pages extended abstracts (including figures). The document should be formatted as doc, docx or rtf and named like the following:

[your name]_geomod2014_abstract.docx


Please prepare poster contributions in 100x140 cm portrait.

Short course

Since places for the course are limited, please indicate if you wish to participate as soon as possible. You may do so within your account during or after registration. Places are reserved on a first come, first serve basis. You will be informed about your acceptance to the course and asked to pay the additional fee in the week after the course registration deadline. 

Social events

A social dinner will take place on Tuesday, 2 September 2014. Details regarding the dinner and further social events will be announced here.

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Technical information (Registration and Payment)

Account creation and Registration

If you would like to participate in GeoMod2014, please create an account using the registration form.You have to fill in your details and register for the conference and/or short-courses, after you have created an account!


You can either choose credit card payment or SEPA transfer during registration. If you should choose credit card payment, please have your card details ready during registration.

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Arriving at the GFZ in Potsdam

The GFZ Potsdams address is Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam, Germany. The conference will be held in house H. (see the map of the campus here)

The venue has good connection to the railway service and to the international airports of Berlin. From Berlin there is an easy access by public transport. You can reach Potsdam main station within 30 Minutes from Berlin main station. From Potsdam main station you may walk or take public transport to get to the campus.

Please see this link for more information on how to get to us. You can find train schedules from Berlin main station to Potsdam here.




There is plenty of accommodation available in Potsdam. We have reserved a number of rooms in:

Mercure Hotel - Potsdam City

Lange Brücke, 14467 Potsdam

NOTE: Room reservations using the GeoMod special prices have to be made until 10 July 2014 - reservation code: GeoMod2014.

IMPORTANT: please only register with the enclosed form (please use google chrome or the internet explorer - using Firefox you need to scan or fax it: +49 (0) 331-62641311) and send it to Franziska Alberg.



Youthhostel - Potsdam Haus der Jugend

Schulstr. 9, 14482 Potsdam
Tel.: +49 (0) 331-5813-100, Fax: +49 (0) 331-5813-111

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Fees and financial support

For fees and financial support for students, please refer to the main page under this link.

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Mantle diapir model. Colours indicate the initial depth of the material: deep red, material from the core-mantle boundary; light blue, material from the crust. (Elvira Mulyukova, GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences)

Sponsored and supported by:

Sponsors_imagemap DFG - German Science Foundation GFZ German Research Centre for Geoscicences GeoX Geo.Sim Graduate School Topomod - EU Marie Curie ITN