Conveners: Stephen Miller (U Bonn), Marcos Moreno Switt (GFZ)
Keynote Speakers:
This session is focused on the interactions between elastic and inelastic deformation, brittle failure (earthquakes), how fluids affect and are affected by, coupled deformation, as well as the importance of flow for numerous geodynamic processes. These include, but are not limited to, non-volcanic tremor and slow-slip earthquakes, enhanced geothermal systems, post-seismic deformation, earthquake swarms, and aftershocks. Although the interactions between fluids and deformation are conceptually straightforward, complexity arises due to multiple feedbacks between crack nucleation, growth, and coalescence combined with the initiation of fluid flow and an evolving pore-elastic/ fracture stress state. Modelling these processes is numerically challenging because the underlying physics require high-resolution simulations over a wide range of timescales. This session aims to understand fluids and deformation of a wide range of space and time scales, using recent advances in numerical modelling to compare with observations from experimentalists, geodesists, and geologists.